
Arrangements for the 2nd International Sea Trout Symposium are well advanced and the Organisers now invite delegates to register their interest in attending this important and prestigious event by completing and submitting the online registration form.

The 2nd International Sea Trout Symposium will be held in Dundalk (Ireland) which is a pretty historic town (charter granted in 1189) located in County Louth.  The town’s name, which was historically written in Irish as Dún Dealgan (meaning Dalgan’s Stronghold), has associations with the mythical warrior Cú Chulainn.  Dundalk has a long connection with sea trout as it is situated where the famous sea trout river, the Castletown River, flows into Dundalk Bay. The town is close to the border with Northern Ireland and equidistant from Dublin and Belfast.

The 1st International Sea Trout Symposium was held in Cardiff, Wales in July 20004. This 2nd Symposium reviews progress over the last 11 years in improving our understanding of biology, ecology, genetics and behaviour of this complex and still poorly understood important species and considers our ability to manage sea trout stocks and their associated fisheries in ways that are sustainable in response to modern threats, pressures and drivers for change. It provides new insights into the then principal gaps in our knowledge highlighted at the 1st Symposium and identifies the strategic gaps in our knowledge that have since emerged to limit our ability to manage this increasingly important and valuable resource efficiently and effectively at a local, national and international level in the future.

Targeted at scientists, managers and other fishery stakeholder interests in the public and private sectors, the central aim is to promote the wider application of an evidence-based approach to the future management and regulation of the sea trout and to ensure that its often very special needs become fully integrated into catchment management plans and environmental impact assessments.